Becoming a market participant
Your company can take on a role in the liberalised Austrian electricity market at any time.
To become a wholesaler or supplier, all you need to do is register with APCS, Energie-Control Austria and Austrian Power Grid AG.
The people at APCS look forward to guiding you through the registration process, providing training, and helping you with all the system set-up work required.
Step 1: Application to register
An Austrian or foreign company wishing to act as independent electricity wholesaler in the APG control area must first register with us as a balance group representative (BGR) and form a balance group (BG).
If you decide to apply you should also notify the regulator Energie-Control Austria (E-Control) and the control area manager Austrian Power Grid AG (APG) of your company’s intention to obtain a licence as a balance group representative, as it will have to satisfy E-Control and APG that it meets certain preconditions.
Step 2: Application processing
As soon as an application is submitted, we verify its completeness and freedom from formal errors, and enter the registration details in our database.
Step 3: Calculation of collateral
You must send us annual reports and details from the register of companies. We forward them to Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG, which performs the credit check and makes the risk management arrangements.
We inform you of the amount of the collateral to be deposited and send you a contract, made out in two copies, which you must execute with an official signature and return to us. You must then issue a direct debit authorisation in favour of APCS, and post the collateral.
Step 4: Data test
Proof that your company meets the system requirements for registration is also required. We have developed data tests for this purpose, which we perform with your assistance.
Step 5: "Green card" and activation
Once you have met all the conditions for registration as a balance group representative, you receive a “green card” and a copy of the contract executed by APCS.
You have to submit the contract to E-Control, which is responsible for licensing your company as an Austrian electricity market participant.
As soon as E-Control issues the licensing notice, your account on our system is activated and your company is ready to operate as a balance group representative in the APG control area.
However, you cannot actually enter the market until the first day of the next month.