Sample documents
Posting collateral
The Annex to the GTC BGC on risk management and collateral states that the following forms of collateral can be posted in favour of APCS:
- Cash deposits denominated in euro;
- Securities meeting the requirements of section 3(2) Annex on risk management and collateral;
- Guarantees extended by independent banks domiciled in the EU or Switzerland. A guaranteeing bank is not deemed to be independent if it directly or indirectly holds an interest of over 10% in the BGR or the latter holds such an interest in the bank. APCS reserves the right to reject guarantees from banks that are not rated by an international rating agency.
The links below take you to sample collateral documents, a sample direct debit authorisation and letter of comfort, and various sample contracts (all German only):
- Request/Deactivation of access in the APCS Clearing Platform (C082)
- Request for Collateral Release/Reduction (C063)
- Sample limited bank guarantee (German only)
- Sample cash deposit pledge agreement (German only)
- Sample securities pledge agreement (German only)
- Sample letter of comfort (German only)
- Sample BGR contract (German only)
- Sample supplier’s contract (German only)