System operator (SO)
To register your company as a system operator, you must send us the following:
- Form A, bearing an official signature;
- Form J where applicable (only required by SOs whose system losses are cleared and settled by third party);
- Form N where applicable
- Form K where applicable
- Form G, bearing an official signature;
- Up-to-date company details from the register of companies;
- SEPA Business-to-Business Direct Debit Mandate;
- List of balance groups and suppliers in the SO's network;
- List of networks with which there are transfer points.
As soon as the necessary documentation has been submitted (by post), we verify its completeness and freedom from formal errors. We input the registration details to our clearing platform, and send you your login data.
We also send you a system operator’s contract, made out in two copies, which you must execute with an official signature and return to us.
We also need proof that your company meets the system requirements. We have developed data tests for this purpose, which we perform with your assistance.
When you have met all the conditions for registration as a system operator, you are sent a “green card” and a copy of the contract executed by APCS.
However, market entry is only possible on the first day of the next month.